Primary Thin Battery

Electrical Characteristics
Chemistry: LiMnO2
Here is the detailed Data Sheet, and also Cells List of this type battery cells for your information. Please feel free to Contact Us if you have not found the suitable model here. Thank you.
Chemistry: LiMnO2
Nominal capacity (mAh) 400@1mA to 2V @23℃
Rated voltage (V) 3.0
Max. Continuous current (mA) 40
Max. pulse current (mA) 100
Storage temperature -20 ~+40 ℃
Operation temperature range -20℃~+60℃
Weight (g) 4.5
Anode tape/cathode tape Aluminum/Nickel
Self Discharge Rate Under 2% for years@30℃
Jacket Flexible Aluminum Foil Packaging
Max. dimensions (mm) 2.1×30×46Here is the detailed Data Sheet, and also Cells List of this type battery cells for your information. Please feel free to Contact Us if you have not found the suitable model here. Thank you.
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